Fck'n Nuts [2023]

Réalisé par Sam Fox

Sandy is grievously forced to break it off with the boy of her dreams in order to avert him from meeting her unusual parents. Sandy is a 19 year old, innocent and child-like girl who still lives at home with her abnormal parents. She has finally met the boy of her dreams, the kind and sincere Dan Deakins. Unfortunately, Dan has fallen for Sandy too, and he wants to get close to her, he wants to meet her family. The problem is Sandy’s parents are strange and they’ve scared off every boy, friend and schoolmate that Sandy has ever brought home. In order to stave off the heartbreak of losing the boy she loves, Sandy makes the difficult decision to break it off with Dan...but he shows up at her house unannounced to declare his love. Inside the house, we see POV’s of Mommy and Daddy, and Sandy isn’t exaggerating, they are strange. While Daddy creepily watches Sandy and Dan’s interaction outside, Mommy warns Daddy to “act normal” as they do not wish to scare off another one of Sandy’s visitors. Dan finally convinces Sandy to let him in. Even though she repeatedly tells him her parents are 100% dictionary definition of the term, NUTS, he claims he doesn’t care, he loves her anyway. Sandy finally gives in, I mean, Dan is the most sincere and kind guy in the world, maybe he’s up for the challenge and won’t run away. As Sandy and Dan walk inside the house, Mommy and Daddy go to greet him, and just as Sandy said, her parents are NUTS... giant peanuts to be precise. Dan drops to his knees, his throat swells, his body goes limp, he starts oozing tan goo out of every orifice. He helplessly tries to point to his pant pocket and when Sandy finally realizes he's in the midst of anaphylactic shock, she retrieves a giant epipen. Mommy and Daddy break it to a distraught Sandy, it'll never work, she has to decide between saving Dan or keeping her family. Sadly for Dan, our parents are an inescapable part of us and sometimes we have to make sacrifices because well, family is family.

Écrivains(s): Sam Fox
Producteur(s): Desiree Staples, Katie Weiss Porter, Sam Fox, Joe Badon, Vincent Stalba
Durée: 11 minutes 55 secondes
Genres: Comedy, Horror, fantastic
Pays: United States
Langue: English
Ratio d'aspect: 16:9
Sam Fox

Née dans une ferme d'élevage isolée au sommet de la tristement célèbre Mulholland Highway de Malibu et aujourd'hui installée à Venice Beach, Sam mêle imagerie hautement stylisée, musique et psychédélisme à l'horreur et au cinéma de genre par l'intermédiaire de sa société de production Foxy Films (WOWZERS, UNAGI). Inspirée par une collection de vêtements du label de mode indépendant Animal Crackers Clothing, pour lequel elle collabore souvent, Sam a écrit et réalisé BAD ACID en 2021 avec Bonavega, Number One Pop Star et DJ Harvey. Sam produit également avec le Greatgrandma Film Collective, notamment en tant que productrice exécutive avec Desiree Staples sur la comédie féminine MY DIVORCE PARTY de Heidi Weitzer qui sortira à l'automne 2022 (avec Rumer Willis), et en tant que productrice sur CIRCUS PERSON de Britt Lower, qui a été projeté au Tribeca Film Festival, a remporté le Best of Festival à Catalyst 2021, le Audience Award au Nashville Film Festival et que Diversity Hire, Ltd. de FX Productions développe actuellement pour en faire une série télévisée d'une demi-heure. Sam développe également les mémoires de sa mère sur la dépendance, BLOOD IS THICKER THAN VODKA, pour en faire une mini-série sur l'alcoolisme et les dysfonctionnements familiaux, ainsi que le projet d'horreur fantastique d'Alex Knell, MALOCCHIO, qui traite de la dysmorphie corporelle. Sam travaille en free-lance comme productrice de publicités pour J. Crew et passe son temps libre à faire du surf, de la voile et de la danse disco.