
RIBSPREADER - Australian Punk Feature Film

June 28th 2024, 7PM @ Bistro Le Sainte-Cath (4264 St Catherine St E, Montreal, Quebec H1V 1X6)

Ribspreader is the story of Bryan Burns, an ex tobacco icon who is haunted and taunted by a cigarette mascot named Sigmund. Bryan is forced into a grisly crusade to violently exstinguish smokers. He creates a bizarre Ribspreading machine and saw cutting out the lungs of his victims to make a 'smoking jacket'. Living in Murder City, Bryan faces a turf war for victims against a necrophiliac stalker, adrenal gland junkies and the mysterious Hand of Death Cult. All the while trying to gain the affections of the drug fried angry sex worker, Gypsy Lee. Smokin will Kill you in the end! One way or another…



$10.00 CAD