Skate or Die [2022]

Directed by Jason Zink

In a post-apocalyptic future, skateboard gangs run the streets. After the daughter of the police chief falls for the leader of a gang of skaters, The Snakes, an all-out war erupts.

Duration: 1 Minutes 28 Seconds
Genres: Horror, Grindhouse, Horror Comedy
Country: United States
Language: English
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Jason Zink

Jason Zink is a writer, producer, and director best known for Straight Edge Kegger (2019) and TAPEHEAD (2021). After a successful festival run, SEK obtained North American distribution through Scream Team Releasing and international media sales through Iuvit Media. The film is now available on SHUDDER, Amazon Prime, and TubiTV. Jason previously released Night Terrors (2014), Where Happiness Lies (2016), and When I Die (2009).