He wakes up dazed, disoriented, strapped to a stretcher. He tries to free himself and ask for help, his anxiety increases when he discovers his captors, two strange creatures who subject him to all kinds of experiments and torture. Panic makes him lose consciousness and reason... sometimes things are not what they seem.
Producer(s): Sam Orti Marti
Duration: 9 Minutes Seconds
Genres: Animation, Horror, Drama
Country: Spain
Language: Spanish
Aspect Ratio: 16:9

Sam, born in Valencia, has dedicated the last 20 years of his life to specialized stop-motion animation films. Where he has invested the most time and effort is in his own work, winning numerous awards with short films such as «Encarna», «The Werepig» or «Vicenta» and in his latest feature film «Pos eso». Today Sam continues developing personal projects and collaborating with other companies and studios around the world and expanding his knowledge to new disciplines.