Bug Bites [2021]

Some house guests are a real pain in the ass.

Writer(s): Anthony R. Williams
Producer(s): Daniel DelPurgatorio, Anthony R. W Williams, David "Big" Krause, O'Connor Hartnett
Duration: 7 Minutes 59 Seconds
Genres: Horror
Country: United States
Language: English
Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1
Daniel DelPurgatorio

Daniel DelPurgatorio most recently directed the award-winning short films "Bug Bites" (2021), "Third Wheel" (2017), "Body(s)" (2015), "OTHER" (2012), and in 2009, "Watchmen: Tales of the Black Freighter" for Warner Bros. The 30-minute film starring Gerard Butler and Jared Harris was a tie-in to Zack Snyder's "Watchmen" adaptation, produced by Snyder and written by Alex Tse. Daniel’s films have screened in competition at such festivals as SXSW, Fantasia, and Screamfest among others.